I think it has been the longest week of my life thus far--and I still have one more week to go. After finally returning to work after my long stretch of days off I was so excited to finally get to tell someone other than my husband. Just as they always have been, my coworkers are all so awesomely supportive and excited for me.
I have felt the last couple of days like I could eat the paint off the wall. Symptom, maybe--probably not, since implantation is likely just now occurring if I am lucky enough to be pregnant. I think it's more of a nervous/stress thing. Then I woke up feeling a little crampy yesterday morning, and again this morning....like I was going to start my period. At first I almost burst into tears but then I realized I still have a week until AF is due--that was a little odd. My lower abdomen is sore, and tender if I lean up against something. I've been telling myself it could just be from the procedure still--maybe? As the day went on yesterday I ended up with gas so bad even my back hurt and a little bit of a headache. It's not like I'm paying attention to every little symptom or anything.... :)
If it wasn't for google raining on my parade I would have been back in the back room with the rest of my coworkers whipping out the ultrasound equipment on me. According to google though, nothing will show up on ultrasound until after 4 weeks, usually more like 5 weeks. I was still tempted though because I thought maybe we could see my follicle somewhere. This leads me to another point....why do they consider you 3w (if I happen to be pregnant) when ovulation didn't even occur until 1w ago? I know the exact date of conception would be the 10th. If I test positive next Wednesday I will be considered 4w along when in reality I will only be 2w pregnant. I think it's stupid, but nobody asks me....
Yes, like a crazy hopeful infertile I've already downloaded a pregnancy tracker app on my phone and figured out my due date on our EDC wheel in L & D. My due date would be January 2, 2014. How awesome would it be if I got lucky and had the New Year baby!
On another note--does anyone watch "The Client List" on Lifetime? Sunday's episode had both my husband and I laughing ridiculously at each other. The main character's best friend, Lacey and her husband are ttc. In this episode there was a scene where the husband started his old band back up but failed to tell his wife about it which somehow led to an argument about how their sex has become "mechanical" and how she always has to talk about ovulating and how it creeps her husband out. My husband turned and looked at me with a raised eyebrow and we both burst out laughing uncontrollably. It's not funny when you're there, and the baby making is such serious stuff, but I suppose when you get to the point we are at, after being in that "mechanical" baby making mode for well over a year you realize how ridiculous you were in each others eyes in that moment. I have to say I'm glad to finally see someone putting infertility in the media and in such a realistic sort-of way. I'm sure a lot of you ladies have been in that situation as well. I think it's a weird situation because the sex is so timed and planned at the exact right second that it becomes awkward, and for me, not as fun as it was prior to testing for ovulation. The up-side of all this RE and IUI business is that our sex life is no longer timed around or affected by ovulation tests.
7 more days friends! Fingers still crossed....
Gas is good!!